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2015.12至今 对外经济贸易大学全球价值链研究院

2013.07 - 2015.12 中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究所 博士后

2012.08 - 2013.05 英国利兹大学 助理研究员



l 沿全球价值链的碳排放责任追溯与国家间协同治理机制研究(2020-2023),国家自然科学基金,主持人

l 积极的财政政策回顾与展望(2019-2020),国务院研究室,主持人

l 能源转型中的绿色全球价值链构建(2019-2020),美国自然资源保护协会,主持人

l 联想集团全球供应链项目(2019-2020),联想集团,联合主持人

l 绿色价值链与绿色“一带一路”咨询项目(2019-2020),中国环境与发展国际合作委员会,主持人

l 纺织行业绿色贸易与可持续价值链构建(2017),联合国环境署,联合主持人

l 京津冀雾霾协同治理机制:石家庄减排路径研究 (2017-2018),美国自然资源保护协会,主持人

l 1.5度情景下我国重点行业减排路径研究(2017-2018),美国自然资源保护协会,主持人

l 煤炭消费对就业的影响:模型评估与政策研究(2016-2017),美国自然资源保护协会,主持人

l 新常态下中国经济的生态转型研究(2013-2015),博士后特别资助,主持人

l 城市生态文明的科学内涵与实践路径研究(2013-2014),博士后面上资助,主持人

l 全球价值链视角下我国制造业产业升级研究(2015-2017),对外经济贸易大学青年教师科研启动项目,主持人

l 中国参与全球价值链的经验及其对非洲国家的启示(2015-2017),美国比尔盖茨基金会资助项目,主要参与人、项目协调人

l 我国的碳交易市场研究(2012-2015),教育部重大课题,主要参与人、项目协调人

l 环保投融资的产品创新研究(2013-2014),环保部委托课题,主要参与人

l “深改”研究提出包括自然资源资产产权制度在内的生态文明体制改革总体思路(2013-2014),社科院委托重大项目,主要参与人



l The demand for global and local environmental protection – experimental evidence from climate change mitigation in Beijing, Land Economics, 2021, with Andreas Louchel, Jiansuo Pei, Bodo Strum and Zhongxiu Zhao.

l Carbon endowment and trade-embodied carbon emissions in global value chains: Evidence from ChinaApplied Energy, 2020, with Yunfeng Yan, Xiuxiu Zheng and Zhongxiu Zhao.

l Embodied carbon emissions in the supply chains embodied carbon emissions in the supply chains, Nature Climate Change, 2020, with Zengkai Zhang and Dabo Guan.

l How does industrial restructuring influence carbon emissions: City-level evidence from China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, with Xiuxiu Zheng and Qirui Du.

l A city-scale decomposition and decoupling analysis of carbon dioxide emissions: A case study of China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, with Xiuxiu Zheng.

l Emission drivers of cities at different industrialization phases in China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, with Xiuxiu Zheng, Huiqing Wang and Yuli Shan.

l Theoretical Model of Environmental Justice and Environmental Inequality in China’s Four Major Economic Zones, Sustainability, 2019, with Qi He and Han Ji.

l Conditional cooperation in case of a global public good - Experimental evidence from climate change mitigation in Beijing, China Economic Review, 2019, with Bodo Strum, Andreas Louchel, Jiansuo Pei and Zhongxiu Zhao.

l Analysis of low carbon pilot industrial parks in China: Classification, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, with Xiang Yu and Bin Lv.

l Driving forces of CO2 emissions and mitigation strategies of China’s National Low Carbon Pilot Industrial Parks, Applied Energy, 2017, with Xiang Yu, Bo Wang and Yuli Shan.


l Mapping Carbon Footprint along Global Value Chains: A Study Based on Firm Heterogeneity in China.

l GVC position, GVC participation and trade-embodied carbon emissions.

l Does the FDI from China increase the carbon emissions of the host countries? Evidence from selected B&R economies.





“发展低碳经济 建设美丽中国”, 中国社会科学网,2018121




