Gaaitzen Johannes de Vries, PhD
Tenured Assistant professor of Economics Global Economics and Management Faculty of Economics and Business Groningen Growth and Development Centre University of Groningen PO Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands
Contact information:
Office: DUI 522
Tel.: +31 50 363 7752
Current employment and affiliations:
Tenured Assistant professor of Economics at University of Groningen, sept. 2011 –
SOM Research fellow
Fellow Groningen Growth and Development Centre (GGDC)
Member China Industry Productivity (CIP) Project
Research fields:
Measurement, causes and consequences of Global Value Chains
Structural change in emerging countries
Firm-level productivity performance
Gaaitzen de Vries is a tenured assistant professor of economics at the University of Groningen. He received his PhD from the same university. He participates in various funded international programmes in the areas of production fragmentation and structural change. He is a regular consultant and advisor for organisations including the United Nations, the Asian Development Bank, the OECD, the Japanese Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry, the Overseas Development Institute and the ING. His research has appeared in international top journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Perspectives, the Journal of Comparative Economics (2x), Economic Policy, the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, and the Journal of Regional Science.
de Vries, G. J., B. Ferrarini (2017 forthcoming). “What Accounts for the Growth of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Advanced and Emerging Economies? The Role of Consumption, Technology and Global Supply Chain Trade.” Ecological Economics.
Los, B., M. P. Timmer, G. J. de Vries (2016). “Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports:
Comment”. American Economic Review, vol. 106(7), pp. 1958-1966.
Los, B., M. P. Timmer, G. J. de Vries (2015) “China and the World Economy: A Global Value Chain perspective” Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 43, pp. 19-32.
B. Los, M. P. Timmer, G. J. de Vries (2015) "How Global are Global Value Chains? A New Approach to Measure International Fragmentation" Journal of Regional Science, vol. 55(1), pp. 66-92.
M. P. Timmer, A. A. Erumban, B. Los, R. Stehrer, G. J. de Vries (2014) "Slicing Up Global Value Chains" Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 28, issue 2, p. 99-118.
Other refereed journal publications:
Timmer, M. P., E. Dietzenbacher, B. Los, R. Stehrer, G. J. de Vries (2015). “An Illustrated User Guide to the World Input-Output Database: the Case of Global Automotive Production”. Review of International Economics, vol. 23(3), pp. 575-605.
de Vries, G. J., M. P. Timmer, K. de Vries (2015) “Structural Transformation in Africa: Static gains, Dynamic losses” Journal of Development Studies, vol. 51(6), pp. 674-688.
de Vries, G. J. (2014) "Productivity in a Distorted Market: The Case of Brazil’s Retail Sector" Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 60 (3), pp. 499-524.
Castellaci, F., B. Los, G. J. de Vries (2014) “Sectoral Productivity Convergence: Convergence
Islands in Oceans of non-Convergence” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, vol. 24, pp. 983
Timmer, M. P., B. Los, R. Stehrer, G. J. de Vries (2013) “Fragmentation, Incomes, and Jobs: An Analysis of European Competitiveness”, Economic Policy, vol. 28(76) pp 613-661.
Foster, N., R. Stehrer, G. Vries (2013) “Offshoring and the Skill Structure of Labour Demand”,
Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), vol. 149(4), pp. 631-662.
Dietzenbacher, E., B. Los, R. Stehrer, M. P. Timmer, G. J. de Vries (2013) “The Construction of World Input-Output Tables in the WIOD Project”, Economic Systems Research , vol 25(1) pp. 71-98.
de Vries, G. J., A. A. Erumban, M. P. Timmer, I. Voskoboynikov, H, Wu (2012) “Deconstructing the BRICs: Structural Transformation and Aggregate Productivity Growth”. Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 40(2), pages 211-227.
Reprinted in Naudé, W, A. Szirmai and N. Haraguchi (eds), Structural Change, Industrialisation and Poverty Reduction in the BRICS, Oxford University Press, (2015)
de Vries, G. J., M. Koetter (2011) “ICT Adoption and Heterogeneity in Production Technologies: Evidence for Chilean Retailers” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 73(4), pages 539-555.
De Vries, G. J. (2010) “Small Retailers in Brazil: Are Formal Firms Really More Productive?” Journal of Development Studies, vol. 46(8), pages 1345–1366.
Timmer, M. P., G. J. de Vries (2009) "Structural Change and Growth Accelerations in Asia and Latin America: A New Sectoral Data Set" Cliometrica, vol. 3 (2), pages 165-190.
Books and contribution to books:
Los, B., M. Timmer, and G. de Vries (2015). “Global Value Chains: ‘Factory World’ is Emerging”. The Age of Global Value Chains: Maps and Policy Issues. Amador, J. & di Mauro, F. (eds.). London: CEPR Press, p. 36-47.
Los, B., R. Stehrer, M. Timmer, and G. de Vries (2015). “Factor Specialisation within Global Value Chains”. The Age of Global Value Chains: Maps and Policy Issues. Amador, J. & di Mauro, F. (eds.). London: CEPR Press, p. 48-57.
Timmer, M. P., B. Los, G. J. de Vries (2015) " Incomes and Jobs in Global Production of
Manufactures. New measures of competitiveness based on the World Input-Output Database”
Chapter 5 in Susan Houseman and Michael Mandel (eds), Measuring Globalization, Kalamazoo,
MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.
Timmer, M. P., G. J. de Vries, K. de Vries (2015) “Structural Change in Developing Countries”. Routledge Handbook on Industry and Development. Routledge
De Vries, Gaaitzen J. (2010), Firm heterogeneity, productivity, and policy reforms in Latin America. PhD thesis.
De Vries, Gaaitzen J., Mulder, N., Dal Borgo, M., Hofman, A. A. (2010), “ICT Investment in Latin America: Does IT Matter for Economic Growth?”, Cimoli, M., Hofman, A.A., Mulder, N. (eds.) Innovation and Economic Development: The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Latin America, Edward Elgar.
Policy reports:
Ministry of Economic Affairs and VNO/NCW (2015), “Dutch Manufacturing Competing in Global Value Chains”, report written by Marcel Timmer and Gaaitzen de Vries
Growth Analysis (2015), “The Competitiveness of Sweden in Global Value Chains: A note on the implications for Jobs across Regions and by Firm Size” Swedish Agency For Growth Policy Analysis, report written by Gaaitzen de Vries.
Growth Analysis (2014), “Competing in Global Value Chains: Implication for Jobs and Income in Sweden.” Swedish Agency For Growth Policy Analysis, report written by Gaaitzen de Vries.
Other published writing (more than 25,000 reads):
“Production Fragmentation and the Global Trade Slowdown” (with Marcel Timmer, Bart Los, and Robert Stehrer), (21 November 2016)
“Global Value Chains: ‘Factory World’ is Emerging” (with Bart Los and Marcel Timmer), (11 May 2014)
“Rethinking Competitiveness: The Global Value Chain Revolution” (with Marcel Timmer, Bart Los, and Robert Stehrer), (26 June 2013)
Current PhD supervision:
Xianjia Ye (sept 2013 - now) “Jobs in Global Value Chains”
Aobo Jiang (sept 2015 - now) “Technology, offshoring, and the functional structure of labor demand in advanced economies”
Refereeing (selection):
Journal of International Economics; Journal of Economic Growth; Journal of Regional Science; Journal of International Business Studies; Journal of Asian Economics; World Development; Review of Income and Wealth; Journal of Comparative Economics; Journal of Development Studies; Industrial and Corporate Change; Journal of Economic Surveys; Journal of Productivity Analysis; Economic Systems Research; Review of World Economics; World Bank Economic Review
Other refereeing:
IZA, Bonn; KU Leuven; Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI, Japan)
Membership of professional organizations
International Association of Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW)
Society for Economic Measurement (SEM)
Previous employment and visiting positions:
Amsterdam University College, February – June 2014 (contracted to teach Global Economics)
The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), October 2012
Center of Excellence (COE), Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, October – November 2010
Postdoc in World Input-Output Database project, University of Groningen, 2009 – 2011
Statistical Office of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, October 2007 and January 2008
Conferences, seminar organization and other activities:
Coordinator seminar series at department Global Economics and Management, 2012 – present
Coordinator double degree program Goettingen, 2016 – present
Instructor at Summer school on Inequality, July 2016
CBS workshop ‘The Promise and Potential of Linked Employer-Employee Data’ (Heerlen, Jan2017)
U4 workshop “Globalization of trade flows, capital flows, and production” (Goettingen,Oct2014)
Session organizer at IARIW (August 2014)
GGDC workshop on "Productivity measurement and industrial organization" (February 2010)
Seminars and conference presentations (recent, selection):
2016: World Bank conference on “Making Global Value Chains work for Development”, Washington DC (November); IARIW, Dresden (August); International Input-Output Conference, Seoul (July); Invited speaker at FIW workshop International Economics, Vienna (June); Presentation at World KLEMS meeting, BBVA foundation, Madrid (May); Invited speaker at Tillvaxtanalys, Stockholm (February); Invited speaker at the Asian Development Bank for the ADB 2016 Key Indicators Conference, Manilla (January)
2015: Keynote speaker EMAEE, Maastricht; ODI, London (invited)
2014: UNCTAD, Geneva (invited). High-level panel discussion; OECD, Paris (invited); European Trade Study Group Meeting, Munich; IDE JETRO, Tokyo (invited)
2013: ACET/IFPRI Conference, Nairobi (invited); UNU WIDER, Helsinki; European Trade Study Group Meeting, Birmingham; Harvard university, Boston;
2012: IZA, Bonn (invited); OECD, Paris (invited)
2011: Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo; UNU-MERIT, Maastricht
2010: Hitotsubashi university, Tokyo (invited); Harvard university, Boston; UN ECLAC, Chile (invited)
2009: OECD, Paris (invited)
2008: Inter-American Development Bank, Washington D.C. (invited); New York University, New York
Teaching qualifications and achievements:
University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) - completed, January 2012
Teaching in 2015-2016
Growth and Development Policies (master)
Global Development Studies (second year course, course coordinator)
Globalization: the Great Unbundlings (third year course, course coordinator)
International Economics for E&BE (first year course, course coordinator)
Awards and grants:
2016: Project on offshoring and skill demand, Tillvaxtanalys
2015: Consultant Tillvaxtanalys
2015: Consultant Asian Development Bank
2015: Consultant and advisor for ING
2015: Consultant and advisor for ODI
2015: Consultancy EZ/VNO-NCW (with Marcel Timmer)
2014: ESB 2014 best paper award
2014: Consultancy Tillvaxtanalys “Fragmentation, Incomes and Jobs: An Analysis of Swedish Competitiveness across Regions and Firm Size”
2014: Consultancy OECD “Functional Specialization in International Trade”, with Marcel Timmer.
2014: Consultant and advisor for ING
2013: Consultancy Tillvaxtanalys “Fragmentation, Incomes and Jobs: An Analysis of Swedish Competitiveness”
2013: Emilio Fontela best paper Award (“The Domestic Content of Mexico’s Maquiladoras Exports”, with Juan Carlos Castillo)
2013: Resource person for Asian Development Bank
2013: Consultancy OECD “Job Dynamics and Global Supply Chains”, with Bart Los and Marcel Timmer.
2012-2014: Economic and Social Research Council of the U.K. and DFID Growth Programme, Structural Change and productivity Growth in Africa (about 380,000 euro). The proposal was written and carried out together with Marcel Timmer as part of a larger project
2010: Global Center of Excellence Hi-STAT program, Hitotsubashi University. Visiting Young Scholar
2005-2008 Consultancies for UN ECLAC