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David Dollar

David Dollar


U.S. Treasury based in U.S. Embassy, Beijing

Economic and Financial Emissary to China (July 2009-2013)

The World Bank, Beijing, China

World Bank Country Director, China and Mongolia (July 2004-July 2009)

The World Bank, Washington, DC

World Bank Development Economics: Director of Development Policy (June 2003-March 2004)

Research Manager, Macroeconomics and Growth (October 1995-June 2003) World Bank East Asia Region: Country economist for Vietnam (April 1989-October 1995)

Chinese Academy of Social Science Graduate School, Beijing, China Visiting Professor, Ford Foundation Program (Spring 1986)

University of California, Los Angeles, California Department of Economics, Assistant Professor (1984-1989)


Asian Development Bank, Manila

Consultant (August–December 2016)

The World Bank, Washington, DC

Consultant (February 2014-Present)

Evenflow Macro

Advisor (March 2014-Present)


New York University, New York City, New York

Ph.D., Economics (1984)

Thesis topic: Technological Innovation and International Trade

Dartmouth College, Taipei, Taiwan

Reynolds Fellowship for overseas language study (1975-76)

Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire

B.A., Chinese history and language (special major) (1975)

Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa


Chinese language: speaking high level, reading intermediate level


Research Interests

My current research interests focus on China: transformation of the growth model; reform and opening of the service sectors, including financial services; China’s outward investment both to advanced economies like the U.S. and to the developing world, especially Africa; growth and inequality in developing countries

Recent and Forthcoming Publications

The future of U.S. – China economic relations, in Brookings Big Ideas for America, edited by Michael O’Hanlon, Brookings Institution Press, pp. 129-137, January 2017.

China’s investment in Latin America,Geo-Economics and Global Issues Paper 4, Brookings Institution, January 2017.

China’s engagement with Africa. From natural resources to human resources, John L.

Thornton China Center Monograph Series Number 7, Brookings Institution, July 2016.

China as a global investor,Asia Working Group Paper 4, Brookings Institution, May 2016.

Financial reform in China and Vietnam: Potential lessons for DPRK,Korean Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), 2016.

Institutional Quality and Growth Traps,in Asia and the Middle-Income Trap, (Pacific Trade and Development Conference Series), edited by Francis Hutchinson and Sanchita Basu Das, Routledge, 2016.

Institutional Quality and the Development of Global Value Chains, paper presented at the Global Value Chain Development Report Background Paper Conference, Beijing, March 2016.

Investment Renaissance, with Wenjie Chen and Heiwai Tang, in Finance and Development, December 2015.

China’s rise as a regional and global power: AIIB and ‘one belt one road’, Horizons Summer 2015.

United States-China two-way direct investment: opportunities and challenges,” John L. Thornton China Center Working Paper, 2015.

APEC,美中之间的竞争与合作[U.S.-China competition and cooperation on display at APEC], China Policy Review, December 2014. http://www.brookings.edu/zh-cn/research/opinions/2015/01/13-us-china-competition-cooperation-apec-dollar

中美GDP的两种比较[U.S. and China’s GDP: two ways of comparison], China PolicyReview, June 2014. (One of CPR’s top-20 essays for 2014)http://www.brookings.edu/zh-cn/research/articles/2014/07/16-us-china-gdp-dollar

Local investment climates and competition among cities,” The Oxford

Companion to the Economics of China, edited by Shenggen Fan, Ravi Kanbur, Shang-JinWei, and Xiaobo Zhang, 2014.

Sino Shift: China’s rebalancing opens new opportunities for developing Asia,” Finance &Development, June 2014.http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2014/06/dollar.htm

China’s rebalancing: Lessons from East Asian economic history,” John L. Thornton China Center Working Paper, 2013.

Articles in Academic Journals

Why is China investing in Africa? Evidence from the firm level, with Wenjie Chen and Heiwai Tang, World Bank Economic Review, September 2016.

Growth still is good for the poor,” with Tatjana Kleineberg and Aart Kraay, forthcoming in the European Economic Review, January 2016.

Growth, inequality, and social welfare: cross-country evidence,” with Tatjana Kleineberg and Aart Kraay, Economic Policy, March 2015.

Investment climate and international integration,” with Mary Hallward-Driemeier and Taye Mengistae, World Development, vol. 34(9), pages 1498-1516, September 2006

The increasing selectivity of foreign aid, 1984-2003,” with Victoria Levin, WorldDevelopment, vol. 34(12), pages 2034-2046, December 2006

Neither a borrower nor a lender: Does China’s zero net foreign asset position make economic sense?” with Aart Kraay, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 53(5), pages 943-971, July 2006

Investment climate and firm performance in developing economies,” with Mary Hallward-Driemeier and Taye Mengistae, Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 54(1), pages 1-31.

Globalization, poverty, and inequality since 1980,” World Bank Research Observer, vol. 20(2), pages 145-175, 2005

Aid, policies, and growth: Reply,” with Craig Burnside, American Economic Review, vol. 94(3), pages 781-784, June 2004

Development effectiveness: What have we learnt?” with Paul Collier, EconomicJournal, vol. 114(496), pages F244-F271, 2004

Port efficiency, maritime transport costs, and bilateral trade,” with Ximena Clark and Alejandro Micco, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 75(2), pages 417-450, December 2004

Trade, growth, and Poverty,” with Aart Kraay, Economic Journal, vol. 114(493), pages F22-F49, 2004

Institutions, trade, and growth,” with Aart Kraay, Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 50(1), pages 133-162, 2003

Aid allocation and poverty reduction,” with Paul Collier, European Economic Review, vol. 46(8), pages 1475-1500, September 2002

Growth is good for the poor,” with Aart Kraay, Journal of Economic Growth, vol. 7(3), pages 195-225, September 2002

Can the world cut poverty in half? How policy reform and effective aid can meet international development goals,” with Paul Collier, World Development, vol. 29(11), pages 1787-1802, November 2001

Are women really the fairer sex? Corruption and women in government,” with Raymond Fisman and Roberta Gatti, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organizations, vol. 46(4), pages 423-429, December 2001

Who gives foreign aid to whom and why?” with Alberto Alesina, Journal of EconomicGrowth, vol. 5(1), pages 33-63, March 2000.

Aid, policies, and growth,” with Craig Burnside, American Economic Review, vol. 90(4), pages 847-868, September 2000

Crisis, adjustment, and reform in Thailand’s industrial firms,” with Mary Hallward-Driemeier, World Bank Research Observer, vol. 15(1), pages 1-22, February 2000

What explains the success or failure of structural adjustment programmes?” with Jakob Svensson, Economic Journal, vol. 110(466), pages 894-917, October 2000

The search for the key: Aid, investment and policies in Africa,” with William Easterly, Journal of African Economies, vol. 8(4), pages 546-77, December 1999

Agricultural seasonality and the organization of manufacturing during early industrialization: The contrast between England and the United States,” with Kenneth Sokoloff, Journal of Economic History, vol. 57(2), pages 288-321, June 1997

Macroeconomic management and the transition to the market in Vietnam,” Journal ofComparative Economics, vol. 18(3), pages 357-375, June 1994

Technological difference as a source of comparative advantage,” American EconomicReview Proceedings, vol. 83(2), pages 431-35, May 1993

Outward-oriented developing economies really do grow more rapidly: Evidence from 95 LDCs, 1976-1985,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 40(3), pages 523-44, April 1992

Convergence of South Korean productivity on West German levels, 1966-1978,” WorldDevelopment, vol. 19(2-3), pages 263-273, 1991

Patterns of productivity growth in South Korean manufacturing industries, 1963-1979,” with Kenneth Sokoloff, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 33(2), pages 309-327, October 1990

Economic reform and allocative efficiency in China’s state-owned industry,” EconomicDevelopment and Cultural Change, vol. 39(1), pages 89-105, October 1990

Employment and income effects of multinational production by U.S. computer firms,” International Economic Journal, vol. 3(4), pages 1-17, December 1989

Convergence of industry labor productivity among advanced economies, 1963-1982,” with Edward Wolff, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 70(4), pages 549-58, November 1988

Import quotas and the product cycle,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 102(3), pages 615-32, August 1987

Technological innovation, capital mobility, and the product cycle in North-South trade,” American Economic Review, vol. 76(1), pages 177-90, March 1986

Articles in Policy Journals

三中全会谋求再平衡 [Third Plenum Strives for Rebalancing], China Policy

Review, May 2014,http://www.brookings.edu/zh-cn/research/articles/2014/05/21-rebalancing-third-plenum

Das wasted capital,”with Shang-Jin Wei,Finance & Development,June 2007

Developing countries need to open markets to each other,” Economic Perspectives, U.S. Department of State, January 2007

China’s economic problems… and ours,” Milken Institute Review, Third Quarter 2005

Spreading the wealth,” with Aart Kraay, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2002

Trade, Growth, and Poverty,” with Aart Kraay, Finance & Development, September 2001


Economic growth, poverty, and household welfare in Vietnam, edited with Paul Glewwe andNisha Agrawal, World Bank, 2003

Globalization, growth, and Poverty: Building an inclusive world economy, with Paul Collier,Oxford U. Press for the World Bank, 2001

Aid and reform in Africa, edited with Shantayanan Devarajan and Torgny Holmgren, WorldBank, 2001

Assessing aid: What works, what doesn’t, and why, with Lant Pritchett, Oxford U. Press for theWorld Bank, 1998

Household welfare and Vietnam’s transition, edited with Paul Glewwe and JennieLitvack, World Bank 1998

The role of the state in Taiwan’s development, edited with Joel Aberbach and Kenneth Sokoloff,M.E. Sharpe, 1994

Competitiveness, convergence, and international specialization, with Edward Wolff, MIT Press,1993

Articles in Books

Growth is good for the poor,” with Aart Kraay, in Growth, inequality, and poverty, edited by Anthony Shorrocks and Rolph van der Hoeven, Oxford U. Press, 2004 [reprint of journal article]

Reform, growth, and poverty,” in Economic growth, poverty, and household welfare inVietnam, 2004

Global economic integration and global inequality,” in David Gruen, Terry O'Brien and Jeremy Lawson (ed.), Globalisation, Living Standards and Inequality: Recent Progress andContinuing Challenges, Reserve Bank of Australia, 2002

Overview” chapter for Aid and reform in Africa, with Shantayanan Devarajan and Torgny Holmgren, World Bank, 2001

Aid, growth, the incentive regime and poverty reduction,” with Craig Burnside, in The WorldBank: Structure and Policies, edited by Christopher Gilbert and David Vines, Cambridge U.Press, 2000

Vietnam” chapter, with Borje Ljunggren, in Going Global, edited by Padma Desai, MIT Press, 1997

Thailand: the institutional and political underpinnings of growth,” with Scott Christensen, Ammar Siamwalla, and Pakorn Vichyanond, in Lessons from East Asia, edited by Danny Leipziger, U. of Michigan Press, 1997

Introduction” for The role of the state in Taiwan’s development, Joel Aberbach and Kenneth Sokoloff, M.E. Sharpe, 1994

Industrial policy, productivity growth, and structural change in the manufacturing industries: A comparison of Taiwan and South Korea,” with Kenneth Sokoloff, in The role ofthe state in Taiwan’s development, 1994

Working Papers

Lessons from China for Africa,” Policy Research Working Paper 4531, World Bank, 2008.

Poverty, inequality and social disparities during China’s economic reform,” paper prepared for conference at USC, April 2007

Das wasted capital,” with Shang-Jin Wei, IMF Working Paper, 2007

Asian century or multi-polar century?” paper presented at opening plenary of GDN annual conference, Beijing, January 2007

Sowing and reaping: institutional quality and project outcomes in developing countries,” with Victoria Levin, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3524, 2005

Aid, policies and growth: revisiting the evidence,” with Craig Burnside, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3251, 2004

Institutions, trade and growth: revisiting the evidence,” with Aart Kraay, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3004, 2003

World Bank Country Studies

During my time in the World Bank I was the principal author of a number of country studies, including an investment climate study of Chinese cities; Bangladesh Investment climate assessment; India Investment climate assessment; growth study for Thailand; Vietnam: Transition to the market; Vietnam: Stabilization and structural reform; and an economic report on South Korea.

Recent Invited Presentations

During 2016 academic presentations included Australia National University, University of Melbourne, Harvard, SAIS, IMF, U. Maryland, Latin American Studies Association Meetings, University of International Business and Economics (Beijing), Tsinghua U., Georgetown U., UVA, East-West Center, and Johns Hopkins. Policy conferences included the Lowy Institute, World Bank, Institute for International Finance, Amcham China, CSIS, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, China-Africa Investment Conference (Guangzhou), China Stockholm Forum, and Brookings China Council Meeting (Wuzhen).


American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Economic Journal, Journal of International Economic Law, Journal of Development Economics, World Development, Economic Development and Cultural Change, National Science Foundation, American Political Science Review